Monday, December 24, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Home!

This scathing blog post by Bhagwad Jal Park lists five reasons why servers don't deserve his hard-earned money because they are just "doing their job"...which, pardon me, sounds like the exact reason they DO deserve it.
1. You act as if you're my best friend.
Bhagwad actually believes the reason servers don't deserve tips is because they are too nice. "I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order," he says. "As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order."Don't worry Bhagwad, if you want to be treated like garbage, all you have to do is inform your server that you do not tip at the start of the meal. All the phony chit-chat and pleasantries you despise will cease from then on--as will your attentive and prompt service. You may even have retrieve your own meals from the kitchen or they will be drying out under the heat lamps for thirty minutes while your server attends to appreciative, non-thieving patrons.
2. You don't get paid enough.
Most servers make under minimum wage (2.13 in the state of New Jersey) because the government expects that they are making enough in tips. Bhagwad believes this is not his fault, and he should not be held accountable for the wage laws in this country. Even though the cost of meals in restaurants would DOUBLE if employers were forced to pay servers minimum wage, Bhagwad would prefer to be forced to pay that money in his bill rather than tip the server. "Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see."
So the issue is not the money, but the common decency you have to possess to pay someone without being forced? Tipping is technically optional, and Bhagwad's main gripe in his post is that servers "expect" a tip that he refuses just because he can. Instead of tipping the person that waits on him diligently with a polite smile, he would rather his menu prices increase and cost him MORE than a 20 percent tip to make up for low wages. Makes sense.
3. You'll spit in my food if I don't tip you.
Doubtful, Bhagwad, but you just might piss off the wrong server some time. I wouldn't suggest dining at the same establishment twice.
4. Bringing me my food isn't worthy of being paid extra
If this isn't true, then why am I bringing you your food? Cook your own food or go to a self-serve establishment or buffet. If you are CHOOSING to eat in a full service restaurant, you should be agreeing to the common practice of TIPPING. You may not THINK that bring you your food is not worthy of being paid "extra" (Though you forgot setting up your table, bringing you your drinks, opening your wine, accommodating your special requests, refilling your drinks several times, bringing you bread, bringing you appetizers and salads, clearing your table between each course, bringing coffee and dessert, cleaning up after you, all while doing the same for four or five other tables of needy and demanding patrons) but extra implies I'm getting paid besides that tip you think I don't deserve. After taxes and tip-out to bussers and other staff, hourly wages amount to a check reading "0.00". So what you are saying is, my job is unnecessary (though you happily accept the service when dining out), AND you think I should do it for free. Apparently Bhagwad Jal Park is a proponent of slavery.
5. Money doesn't grow on trees.
Thank you for this clarification, Mr. Jal Park. Too bad it doesn't, then no one would ever have to be cheated by your disgustingly self-entitled practices again.

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